The book is a compilation of genre shows from 1946 to 1996. The series information includes when the show first ran, how many episodes, the principle cast, and background information on the show. The episodes are listed by season and what network or cable channel they first aired on. Episode information includes episode title, guest cast, a short synopsis, original airdate, writer, and director.
The book was published in June 1997 with ISBN 0-9657358-0-X.
The book covers genre shows starting from 1951. Included are series, single/one-off productions, and animation. The author is British and the emphasis is shows from there but includes shows from other countries. For the series information includes background information on the show, the principle cast, principle production credits, production company, how many episodes, and what network or cable channel they first aired on. Episode information includes episode title, writer, a short synopsis, guest cast, director, and original airdate. A few series just include episode titles.
The book was first published in 1990 with ISBN 1-85283-277-0. It has been revised a number of times the most recent I have seen is 2000.
The book incorporates much of Roger Fulton's The Encyclopedia of TV Science Fiction book. It includes the series section but not the single/one-off productions and animation sections. Many series were added and the series information and format was retained. 41 obscure series were moved to a section and where the shows just contain a little background information on the show.
The book was published in 1998 with ISBN 0-446-67478-8.
These books were part of Starlog's photo guidebook series and contained episode guides from science fiction, fantasy, horror, super hero, and adventure TV shows. They were compiled by different people and many were originally published in Starlog magazine. The series information includes the show premise, major characters, about the show, cast, principle production credits, where and when it first aired, and the production company. Episode information includes episode title, original airdate, writer, director, guest cast, and a short synopsis. Both volumes had 12 guides and included a section with color pictures.
Volume I was published March 1981 with ISBN 0-931064-25-2 and Volume II January 1982 with ISBN 0-931064-48-1. Both were published by Starlog Press Inc.
The magazine covers all genres of TV shows with focus on series that were not prominently documented elsewhere. Each issue has comments by the editor regarding the magazine or TV related topics. Other things included are reader letters, TV related book reviews, and interviews with people from the shows or TV industry. Sometimes there were sections for TV on tape and TV on the web.
The show information includes number of episodes, what it aired on, regular cast, and extensive show background information. Episode information includes episode title, original airdate, synopsis, guest cast, writer and director. The magazine published 12 issues between Spring 1995 and early 1998. In 1996 they tried to do an online version of the magazine but this did not last very long.
The magazine revues and compiles the episodes of science fiction, fantasy, and adventure TV shows though occasionally other types of TV programs were included. Some issues had an editorial regarding the magazine or TV related topics. Starting with issue #18 the magazine was upgraded to glossy paper with a cardstock cover. Starting with issue #41 short news reports on current TV shows were included. The guides were done by a number of people and the quality varied depending on who wrote them. The early issues were known to have quite a few errors but these decreased as time went on. A few issues were revised when they were reprinted.
The series information includes principle production credits, regular cast, number of episodes, show premise and editor's comments. Episode information includes episode title, original airdate, synopsis, guest cast, writer and director. Epi-Log published 44 issues covering more than 300 guides between mid 1990 and early 1995. This is a list of all the Epi-Log guides. There were plans for issues thru #51 but these were never published.
The book is a compilation of U.S. TV shows from 1946. Included are commercial broadcast and cable series which aired evenings. The show information includes program type, first and last telecast, broadcast history, the principle cast, and show summary and background information. Appendixes include things like yearly prime time schedules, Emmy Award winners, and top lists.
The book was first published in 1979 and updated in 1981, 1985, 1988, 1992, 1995, 1999, 2003, and 2007. The ninth edition is the most recent.
The book is a compilation of U.S. TV shows. The show information includes what network or cable channel the show first aired on, when the show ran, the show run time, the type of show, the principle cast, and a description of the show. The book also includes sections with information on the networks, yearly primetime and Saturday morning program grids, and a cast index.
The book was published in 2004 with ISBN 0-7607-5634-1.
The book is a compilation of U.S. TV shows. The show information includes what network or cable channel the show first aired on, when the show ran, and background of the show. The book also includes a list of special programs and broadcasts, yearly primetime program grids, Emmy and Peabody Award winners, top rated series for each season, and an index of people mentioned in the book.
The book was first published in 1980 and updated in 1984, 1991 and 1996. The cover pictures are from the third edition.
Sci Fi magazine began as the SciFi channel's official magazine. At some point it became unaffiliated with what has become the Syfy channel and now covers science fiction and other genres in all types of media. Presently its sections include an editor's log, pictures of stars at events, genre news, coverage of current TV shows, DVD and Blu-ray reviews, book reviews, game reviews, and vintage TV musings. Features include interviews or articles for TV shows, movies and streaming media.
The magazine was first published with the Jan/Feb 1993 issue and currently is published quarterly by Sovereign Media Company in the U.S.
SciFiNow magazine covers the science fiction, horror and fantasy genres. Its sections include news on shows and movies; reviews of movies, DVDs, Blu-rays and videogames; book articles and reviews; Time Warp with coverage of things from the past; and Vault with board games and memorabilia. Features include articles on shows, movies, and comics.
SciFiNow was launched in April 2007 and currently is published every four weeks by Imagine Publishing Ltd in the United Kingdom.
SFX magazine covers the science fiction, horror and fantasy genres. Its sections include news on shows and movies; opinions by writers; reader comments; reviews of cinema, DVD and Blu-ray, books, comics, games, audio books and collectibles; and TV show reviews and opinions. Features include articles on shows, movies, and comics.
SFX was founded in 1995 and currently is published every four weeks by Future plc in the United Kingdom.
Starburst magazine covers the science fiction, horror and fantasy genres. Its sections include reader feedback; Things to Come with genre news; and reviews of movies, TV, DVDs, books, cybertech, comics, soundtracks, and collectibles. There are also other sections which vary by issue. Features include articles on shows and movies.
Starburst began in December 1977 and was published in print thru issue 365 in 2009. In early 2011 the magazine returned as an online publication and then resumed its print publication in February 2012 with issue 374. Starburst is now based in Manchester, England.
Infinity magazine covers the science fiction, horror and fantasy genres looking back as well as forwards. Its sections include editor's comments, genre news; reader feedback; and reviews of DVDs, streaming and movies. Features include articles on shows, movies, comics, and collectibles.
Infinity was launched in April 2017 with new issues coming out every six weeks. It is published by Ghoulish Publishing Ltd in the United Kingdom.