GUIquotes User Manual/Help


If you have comments or suggestions about GUIquotes, or find any errors in the program, then please get in touch. The latest version can be downloaded from the GUIquotes download. If you aren't running the latest version then please upgrade before getting in touch as your issue might already be addressed in the latest release.

I did not compile the quotes in the quote files. If you have additions or corrections to the quotes you should direct them to Wikiquote which is where many of the quotes came from.

However if you find quotes that have parts missing or formatting problems bring these to my attention. I use a script to generate the quote files and there might be quotes which aren't extracted properly.

The Inner Mind website has frequently asked questions. There is one for the GUIquotes program and another one regarding the quote files which might answer questions you might have.

To get in touch use the contact form.